EMF Safe Child Space

How to protect children from EMF?

EMF and Children - Why be Concerned?

Protecting children from electromagnetic fields (EMF) is important because their developing bodies and brains are more sensitive to potential harm, absorbing more radiation due to thinner skulls and higher tissue water content. Prolonged exposure over their lifetime raises concerns about neurological effects, such as behavioral issues and sleep disturbances, and even possible links to cancer.

With the rapid increase in EMF exposure from wireless technology, a precautionary approach is advisable. Children's maturing immune systems may be more vulnerable to environmental stressors, making it essential to reduce EMF exposure during this critical growth period.

"Consistent epidemiologic evidence of an association between childhood leukemia and exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields has led to their classification by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a “possible human carcinogen.”

Create an EMF Safe Home for Children

Woman engaged in unhealthy habit of using her cell phone in her bed at night

Minimize EMF Exposure

  • Limit Device Usage. Cut back on the time children spend on wireless devices like smartphones and tablets.

  • Use Wired Headphones. Say no to wireless headphones and earbuds.

  • Avoid Wireless Monitors. Don't use wireless nanny cams and baby monitors. If you do find one with zero emf.

Man turning off his router to create a safe sleep environment at night

Optimize Sleep Areas

  • Remove Devices. Keep electronics such as mobile phones and tablets out of the child's bedroom

  • Unplug all AC Electronics. Don't just turn off electronics. Unplug everything including lamps, game consoles, and screens.

  • Use Batteries. Choose lights and music players that run off DC and music that isn't streamed.

  • Turn of Wifi. Put it on a timer to go off at a certain time for the benefit of the whole family.

Man unplugging electronics to create a safe sleep environment at night

Designate EMF-Free Zones

  • Create Safe Spaces. Set up specific areas in the home where electronic devices are restricted or not allowed, such as playrooms or study areas.

  • Implement Shielding: Use EMF shielding materials, such as curtains, fabrics, and plants, in these designated safe zones.

Power lines outside of bedroom that could disrupt your sleep

Educate and Advocate

  • Teach Safe Practices: Educate children about the importance of reducing EMF exposure and encourage practices like using speaker mode during calls and keeping devices away from the body.

  • Encourage Natural Activities. Provide children with non-electronic activities for entertainment and encourage them to play outdoors and stay active.

  • Set the Example. Practice what you preach.

TIP: "Use a magnetic field meter to take measurements of inside and outside your home."

5 EMF Safety Rules for Kids


Limit Screen Time. Monitor the time children spend touching and using technology each day. Adjust by age.


Limit Phone Use. Avoid placing all devices close to the body, especially phones during use.


Avoid Wireless Technology. Opt for a desktop computer with an ethernet cable and ensure it is properly grounded.


Encourage Off-line Activies. Promote outdoor play, sports, cooking, hobbies, reading, etc.


Encourage Daily Earthing. Teach the importance of getting daily direct contact with the earth.